Clicking the gear button opens a drawer where you can Add, Edit, and Delete Attributes for your organization.
- To add a new attribute, click the + Attribute button.
- To edit an existing attribute, click the pencil (edit) icon next to the attribute name.
- To delete an existing attribute, click the trash can (delete) icon next to the attribute name.
If you are adding or editing an attribute, the Add/Edit Attribute drawer will open:
Adding an Attribute requires that the following fields be populated:
- Name
- The attribute name is also used as the label for the attribute and column header in the grid. It is highly recommended that it be unique and not match an existing custom or standard attribute name so as to avoid confusion. This name/label can be changed when editing an attribute.
- An attribute code will automatically be generated based on the attribute name. This attribute code must be unique and different from the code for any of your custom attributes or the standard Waypoint attributes. Once an attribute code is created, the code cannot be changed.
- Category
- The category is a higher level grouping of where the attribute fits into the entire attribute scheme. Categories are completely free form and you can use either your own categories or reuse existing Waypoint categories. The category may be changed when editing an attribute.
- Type (see detailed information below)
Additional Fields (Not Required)
- Groupable - Checking Groupable enables the attribute in the Group By Attribute Dropdown
- Filterable - Checking Filterable enables the attribute in the Filter By options
- Multi-select - Checking Multi-select allows a property to have more than one attribute value (ex. the attribute Analyst can have multiple Analysts associated with a single property, and that value does not need to be a comma-separated string)
Data Types
Attributes in Waypoint can have four different data types
- Text
- Number
- Date
- Y/N
Text attributes are the simplest and most versatile as they can store anything. Text attributes can be restricted to an allowed value set if you want to control data entry. You can manage this list by entering the values in the Allowed Values section of the attribute manager. When editing allowed values in the UI, they display in a Select box.
The number type can be used for any number-based attribute (currencies, percentages, or counts).
Number formats:
- Decimal - most generic
- Currency - adds a currency symbol and commas to separate the thousands when the value is displayed
- Percentage - adds a percentage symbol at the end when the value is displayed; A number attribute stored as .05 with a format of Percentage and a precision of 3 will be displayed as 5.000%
Note - All number formats can have a precision between 0 and 4 that is selected when creating or editing the attribute.
Date attributes will be stored and presented as a calendar date with month, day, and year. Date attributes can have the following formats:
The Yes/No attribute type functions as a boolean. When viewing and editing this in the UI, it renders as a checkbox, Yes = Checked, and No = Unchecked. When editing these values via the template, the type shows as a boolean and the values need to be either Y or N.